Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holiday Drinking & Driving: Some Tips For Hosts

Once again the holidays are upon us and unfortunately a statistic always creeps up around this time of year - that of accidents caused due to drinking and driving. The surprising thing is that many of these accidents and even deaths can easily be prevented with some simple preparation and a product that is always glad to sell during the holiday season - The "Arrive Alive Breath Tester."

This unique product is a single-use, disposable breath tester that calculates the blood alcohol level in your system. You simply blow in the bag, wait a few minutes and the indicator clearly shows you if you are over or under the legal blood alcohol level. This product is no gimmick and is certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), used roadside by police throughout the world and especially used by responsible adults throughout America who host parties, and events for their friends and families.

To view and order the "Arrive Alive Breath Tester" visit our website at or click here to go directly to the product page.

Also, remember these tips when hosting a party or an event over the holidays:

  1. Always offer non-alcoholic drinks as an alternative
  2. Serve alcoholic drinks yourself so you know how many drinks each individual has had.
  3. Have plenty of food available and remember that salty snacks cause people to drink more!!
  4. Have plenty of cash available for cab fare and be prepared to have some overnight guests
  5. As people arrive, remind them there will be alcohol served and they should be prepared to take a cab home or use a designated driver - this can also be done ahead of time on the invitation or when you mention the event to your friends and family.
  6. Stop serving alcohol a few hours before the end of the party. At this point you can offer non-alcoholic drinks and give your guests a few hours to sober up.
  7. Try not to drink too much yourself. This will allow you to be aware of your guests and to judge the level of intoxication more effectively. If you can't judge whether someone is intoxicated easily YOU ARE INTOXICATED!

Remember that you are legally liable for damages caused to your guests while in your home and even after they've left.

Have a safe and happy holiday season from

--- Management
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